Revolution in the weight loss industry - you can now lose up to 15kg in just 2 weeks in a natural way!

An innovative young student from Nakuru wins big awards as she invented a natural way of losing 15 kg in 2 weeks, no starvation or heavy exercising needed.

The summer of 2024 was marked by the remarkable invention of Celestine, a Kenyan student who helped to create an innovative weight loss method that is 100% natural. She has invented a slimming formula that works without unsafe dieting or exercising.

Celestine came up with this great idea and impressed the nutrition experts that were later conducting multiple researches on the formula called Slim Tea Pro and confirmed it to be extremely effective. Multiple testimonies were conducted and all of them prove successful.

We decided to get more information directly from the source - Celestine - especially now when Kenyans can take advantage of the promo offer and get Slim Tea Pro with 50% discount.

Reporter: Celestine, you are proven to be one of the smartest students who studied in any medical university worldwide. How did you decide to choose the science of weight loss?

Celestine: This is something I struggled with in my own family hence it became my motivation. A couple of years ago my mother was extremely overweight and was suffering from high blood pressure. She could not lose any weight, her health issues got severe and unfortunately she died from a heart attack about a year later. My grandmother had passed away due the same problems about 7 years ago. I was so depressed and decided I don’t want anybody else to feel helpless like me and my mom did so I devoted all my attention and time to studying how being overweight affects your health. It turns out that taking all the well-known measures such as weight loss pills, heavy lifting or liposuction cause a huge risk to your health. So I have been doing deep research work for the past three years on that topic. I came up with this weight loss formula that is absolutely natural and causes no side effects.

Reporter: So what happened when you discovered this formula?

Celestine As soon as the weight loss formula was published, a huge number of people and foreign companies started contacting me, they wanted me to invent new stuff and work on new ideas for a significant amount of money. I however had to change my phone number cause I didn’t want those people to consider me an endless bucket of ideas working for money and profits.

Reporter As far as we are aware, you haven’t sold the formula, have you?

CelestineI don’t want to sound very harsh but I did not invent Slim Tea Pro so it can be used by foreigners and later presented as their own idea. If I did this and they issued a patent for my formula, it would not be accessible to anybody and they would make it extremely expensive as well. I may be young but I’m not stupid. I want the formula to be available to the ordinary people. A foreign scientist once told me this weight loss method can cost a lot of money but I want it to be accessible to my fellow Kenyans. So when a few nutritionists here in Nakuru invited me to join them I immediately said yes and now I am working in the best team of health experts and I feel extremely lucky. Now my slimming tea has already passed all clinical surveys and it is accessible for purchase by anyone.

The research was made along with Professor Njeru, a nutritionist with 30 years of working experience. We requested him to give more details on the new product Slim Tea Pro and to give us his honest opinion about it.

Reporter Professor Njeru, what do you think of Celestine’s invention of this new slimming formula?

Professor NjeruThe idea of Celestine is like Google maps - it shows you the fastest way to reach the desired weight. And this formula is proven to be effective.

The unique thing about Slim Tea Pro is that the formula contains extract of black mulberry which is proven in our latest studies to be key to treating obesity. Its natural compound boosts the metabolism and activates the weight loss process.

For optimal results Slim Tea Pro should be taken consequently for 30 days. Its natural ingredients are carefully combined so as to decrease the appetite, induce the energy levels and regenerate the tissues in the entire body. No heavy diets are needed, with the product the excess fat gets easily eliminated and there is no yo-yo effect.

Here are some of the testimonies of people taking Slim Tea Pro :

Before and after taking Slim Tea Pro for 28 days

Before and after taking Slim Tea Pro for 33 days

Before and after taking Slim Tea Pro for 41 days

Before and after taking Slim Tea Pro for for 17 days

Reporter Will Slim Tea Pro be available for purchase in the drugstores? How much will it cost?

Professor Njeru Nowadays the pharmaceutical business is doing their best to aggressively earn the customers’ interest. A few companies contacted Celestine offering her to sell her formula in their drugstores at a very high price. If she agreed, she would have earned a huge commission but she disagreed. Her only intention when she found the Slim Tea Pro formula was for it to be available to all people for an accessible price. We don’t believe anybody would waste lots of money on a monthly basis for weight loss products, that’s why right now you can get our product with a discount and never worry about extra weight anymore.

Reporter So since it cannot be purchased in any drugstore, how can one buy it?

Professor Njeru As I briefly mentioned, our team could not rely on pharmacies to serve as representatives of the product. Therefore, we have taken the decision to be of best help to all people with weight issues by selling Slim Tea Pro online. One should simply follow the link to fill their details in the order form on our official website. Once placed, the order will be processed and delivered within 5 working days. In the era of telecommunications you don’t even need a computer so you can browse, you can fill in the order even form from your phone.
Those who place an order before 10.03.2025 will get a great discount - 50% off the price of Slim Tea Pro, I believe this is an opportunity for even more people to order the product and to start their weight loss journey. After all, the good image of a product is based on its users’ reviews, right?

Reporter As a conclusion, what is the discounted price of the product?

Professor Njeru Right now Slim Tea Pro can be purchased for 5990 KSh. As I mentioned - we are interested in satisfying the needs of all people suffering from obesity no matter their social status. We don’t resell to pharmacies which would offer the product for a much higher price or export the tea to sell it in foreign countries rather than in Kenya.

Note from the editor : Warning! Due to the tremendous number of orders this is a limited offer only and will be valid for a limited period of time.

Your personal discount ends in

It is only valid till February 28th, 2021 so make sure to get advantage of the awesome promo by filling out the form on our website. Save up to 50% off the price!

Discount! 11980 KSh5990 KSh

Make an order before the discount is given to another reader.
Offer expires in:
10 : 00

The last day of discount giveaway: 11.03.2025


Charity Ghitae

10.03.2025 I tried Slim Tea Pro. During that period I ate almost everything I craved for and was able to get rid of 7 kg. This product is the best! I didn’t have to waste any time in the gym or anything like that. It’s even on sale now so go purchase it!

Jenny Mutui

10.03.2025 Nine months ago I weighed 87 kg and I am 28, the time I am supposed to look and feel great.I got this nasty belly fat that was obvious even from far distance and I could not live like that anymore. So at first I spent about 3 months in the gym making heavy lifting sessions but nothing changed at all. Then I heard about Slim Tea Pro and decided to include it in my daily routine. I took it for two weeks and started noticing change in my appearance! Now, six months later, I am 50kg chick and all my friends envy me!


10.03.2025 Wow this discount sounds nice so I’ll order it right now!

Caroline Kawamata

10.03.2025 I actually read about this product in a magazine once , there was an interview given by a nutritionist just like this professor Njeru and he was talking about Slim Tea Pro.

Merry Naimi

10.03.2025 This is not magic but I really needed a miracle so I could feel better in my body. All my life I’ve been fat and now I lost 10kg in just a month! My husband is honestly thrilled, he thought I was starving and going through heavy diets. He was even more shocked when he saw me eat french fries almost every evening and still looked fabulous haha


10.03.2025 I just ordered for me and my mom since a friend of ours recommended the product. Will share my progress once I give it a try :)

Charlotte Mwangi

10.03.2025 I just ordered my second pack, I just finished my first one and feel incredible. Thanks Celestine for inventing that product!


10.03.2025 Wow what a good discount! I just placed an order, can’t wait for Slim Tea Pro to arrive at my door.

Melanie Chara

10.03.2025 I tried the tea a couple of months ago, I was almost 90 kg back then! Now I am 68 kg, I like myself and can eat basically whatever I want.


10.03.2025 I read a lot of reviews and decided to give it a go. I am ordering right now!

Amelia Kawari

10.03.2025 I have been taking Slim Tea Pro for 3 months and managed to lose 19 kilograms. I stopped drinking it but there’s no yo yo effect, yeey!

Susan Obara

10.03.2025 I ordered through the website two days ago and it just arrived this morning. I am excited to try!